No.368,Youyi North Road,050070
Shijiazhuang City,Hebei,China+0086-311-89277937
[email protected]Is there any advantage to the Polyester Polyester Printing mesh? The answer is absolute Polyester polyester printing mesh has always been the printing medium required by our factories in various industries high strength The short fiber
Stainless steel wire mesh is not only filterable, it can still be printed Some industries that can be used in keyboard manufacturing, computers, electronic circuit boards, solar panels, water cups, etc are available
The world is not just the rising of China s domestic printing mesh industry Screen printing meshs are used in a wide range of applications What kind of factory or industry is suitable for the mesh size, mesh and width of stainless steel mesh?
The printing process of Polyester Printing mesh can not stand the transfer rate of ink The greater the viscosity, the lower the transfer rate
The printing mesh commonly used in the packaging industry is the screen printing mesh Screen printing meshs include printing webs of polyester printing meshs, stainless steel wire printing meshs, nylon printing meshs, and the like Nowadays,
Polyester screen printing is a widely used printing application Can be printed for use in lottery, billboard production, glass, ceramics
Stainless steel screen printing is very common in the industry: signage, automotive manufacturing, aerospace, keyboard manufacturing and many other industries Stainless steel screen printing is now in use by a large number of customers
Polyester screen printing is one of the screen printing meshs What is the composition of the ink required for printing? What should we pay attention to when we machine or hand-print? Let s take a closer look at the composition of the ink