No.368,Youyi North Road,050070
Shijiazhuang City,Hebei,China+0086-311-89277937
[email protected]According to market research, a very important part of the market for screen printing meshs is now printed It has replaced the previous printing method
Screen printing is a process of preventing the formation of a frame by using a material such as stainless steel wire mesh, nylon mesh, or stainless steel stainless steel wire, and then performing a screen printing pattern or text on the
The screen printing process for aluminum alloy signs is as follows: Screen printing screen printing (drawing, bottoming, wire selection, stretching, coating (paste) photosensitive film) - printing material preparation (cutting, pre-press processing
With the development of printing technology, the variety of inks is constantly increasing There are also many ways to classify According to the current printing methods can be divided into the following:
Features of stainless steel printing mesh: high tension, high precision, high yield point, low elongation, no static electricity Heat resistance is better Because of its own advantages, it is used in industries such as glass, ceramics, metal
Screen printing meshs are now growing in form although the buying population has been growing But there are still some people who think it is much cheaper than other offsets The first is to show that there are some essential differences between
Screen printing mesh manufacturer maishi, specializing in the production of screen printing mesh for 30 years The industries that can be used include billboards, cosmetics, advertising bags, and the like So what about billboard printing?
Polyester printing mesh single yarn polyester (polyester) mesh Suitable for general screen printing factory, handbag silk screen, plexiglass, plasti