No.368,Youyi North Road,050070
Shijiazhuang City,Hebei,China+0086-311-89277937
[email protected]What are the characteristics of the current screen printing mesh? A good screen printing mesh will affect a lot of printing industry effects
Screen printing mesh ink is a loose pulp and has a good thixotropy Its liquidity is relatively poor Once we receive the role of external forces The fluidity of this ink will increase When the ink is scratched, it can pass through the printing mesh
Screen printing meshs can be used in many industries However, when it comes to printing electrodes, screen printing meshs are now used Screen printing screen printing electrodes are the best way to keep the board intact and not damaged
Screen printing is made up of a screen printing fabric Then we may have some problems when printing How can we solve it? The following is the solution for the manufacturer who has been operating the printing mesh for more than 30 years Generally,
Whether we are a garment printing factory or a stainless steel product printing factory, etc , all we have to do before using the screen printing mesh is to do it Before we use a screen printing mesh to print something, we need to have a clear
Among the four common types of printing in China, offset, embossing or gravure are all printed objects If our customers want to print complex surfaces, then we can t meet our needs What shape we need now or is complicated Now we can choose maishi
Screen printing meshs need to be screened before printing When doing the screen version, you need to choose the appropriate frame So how to choose the net frame is the most appropriate?
Maishi manufacturers We are experts in the field of screen printing, our screen quality is high It has been a repeat customer in more than 800 countries for many years