No.368,Youyi North Road,050070
Shijiazhuang City,Hebei,China+0086-311-89277937
[email protected]MAISHI has been in screen printing industry for many years, and offer top quality screen printing meshes And the key factor prmotes the global demand for screen printing mesh is the simplicity in operation and economic feasibility of screen printing
When selecting screen printing mesh, we must pay attention to the matching of the mesh size and the quality of the printed products; the stretchability of the screen should be as small as possible
Considering the structure strength of the screen for the first time, there are two kinds of meshes commonly used in modern printing mesh: multi-fiber mesh and single-fiber mesh
The digital industry is a very important industry The use of printing screens in the industry is a phenomenon that now dominates
1 Screen structure and number: For example, 120-34 means 120 grid lines per centimeter, and each grid line has a diameter of 34um
The use of stainless steel printing meshs in the printing industry is now more dominant Maishi, China s top manufacturing team for stainless steel screen printing screens
The screen printing screen making process is relatively step-by-step Screen printing is the most common process and has limitations
Screen-printing photoengraving looks the same as other printing methods Therefore, the photographic platemaking