Industrial News

What Lies Behind Screen Printing on Glass

Have you ever wondered about the process of screen printing on glass? Let's explore what lies behind this process.
Glass screen printing follows a similar process to regular screen printing. The ink is applied to the glass surface, and then measures are taken to cure the ink, ensuring a durable and long-lasting printed pattern. Here are some key considerations and steps for successful glass screen printing.
1. Glass preparation: The glass, whether regular or irregular in shape, needs to be chamfered, ground, and thoroughly cleaned and dried. Special care is taken to ensure a clean surface free from water stains.
2. Screen printing mesh selection: Choosing the right mesh is crucial for achieving precise and detailed prints on glass. At Hebei Maishi, we specialize in producing high-quality screen printing mesh to suit various printing requirements.
3. Mesh frame selection: Aluminum alloy mesh frames are recommended for glass printing due to their regularity and minimal deformation. It's important to choose a frame size larger than the pattern, ensuring successful printing.
4. Stretching mesh: The mesh is stretched onto the mesh frame, combining screen printing and the mesh frame. Various stretching methods, such as manual, motorized, and pneumatic, can be used.
5. Printing: There are manual, semi-automatic, and automatic printing machines available for printing on plate glass. 
6. Sintering: The glass is sintered at controlled temperatures after printing. It's crucial to ensure the sintering temperature is lower than the glass's softening temperature to prevent deformation.
Committed to manufacturing top-quality screen printing mesh, Hebei Maishi is always here to support you. For any inquiries or assistance, do not hesitate to reach out to us.
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