How to operate the manual screen printing mesh

Manual screen printing mesh process operations are relatively simple. No complicated printing machinery is required. It can meet the requirements of screen printing mesh processing.

A large number of customers in the market want to print silk by hand. Manual screen printing has low investment, high flexibility and good efficiency. Therefore, customers in this case are not as good as manual silk screen printing.

What are the precautions for manual screen printing? The maishi wire group gives the following suggestions:

Handmade screen printing station

You can buy simple butterfly clips from the Internet, and you can buy the stamps directly if you have the conditions.

The simple equipment can meet the general silk screen printing.

How to get the fastest silk screen printing

Some friends will often ask, I don't need a screen printing machine to print, use manual silk screen, high efficiency? Printing speed is fast?

I have told you with more than 20 years of silkscreen experience that handmade silk screen printing is not what you think, if we do the time

Long, practice makes perfect, the speed of manual silk screen printing is very fast, the key is how do you arrange the order of silk screen printing and

How is your work habit!

Manual screen printing steps and processes

1. Make a screen version first, and make a screen version with a homemade silk screen printing machine.

2. Adjust the color of the specified screen printing ink in advance.

3. Fix the screen with a butterfly clip or a fingerprint table, and adjust the position of the screen printing.

4. Apply the ink evenly on the screen with a squeegee, then scrape it evenly with a squeegee. The pattern below is


5. After printing, clean the screen with washing net water for later use.

The manual screen printing mesh printing steps and processes are the above introduction, purchase the formal high-quality screen printing mesh to contact maishi.

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