Tech Text

How to distinguish between polyester and nylon?

As we know that there are two kind of materials for printing, polyester and nylon the following are some method to help you distinguish the two materials

Several suggestions for printing mesh choose

Our company MAISHI MFG GROUP mainly produce the monofilament polyester screen printing mesh There are some suggestions for printing mesh as below by MAISHI MFG GROUP:

How to judge the quality of Stainless steel wire mesh?

We should differentiate the good quality of stainless steel wire mesh in the following aspects according to ISO 9044:

The common application of screen printing

Here are the common application of screen printing, and what you should pay attention when you print it:

Basic knowledge of Polyester Mono filament & Multi filament mesh

Sometimes, when you want to save your printing cost on mesh, you can remove the stencil on the mesh, making it possible of re-using your mesh (MAISHI MFG GROUP mesh specification)

How to remove the stencil from the mesh

Sometimes, when you want to save your printing cost on mesh, you can remove the stencil on the mesh, making it possible of re-using your mesh (MAISHI MFG GROUP mesh specification)

The solution method to prevent the emergence of jagged wool

① Choosing the high mesh count mesh; ② Choosing the high sensitivity photosensitive material to making plate; ③ Making a certain thickness of the screen printing plate to reduce the expansion of deformation ;

How to improve the pressrun of the screen printing

To improve the pressrun of the screen printing, first of all to enhance the adhesive force between the glue and mesh, which is the basis of screen printing

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