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What is the polyester printing mesh?

Screen printing meshs contain a wide variety of printing methods. There are a variety of printing methods such as polyester mesh, nylon mesh, stainless steel mesh. There are still a lot of people who don't understand how it is.

Polyester printing meshs are one of the more used methods in screen printing meshs. The holes in the polyester printing screen transfer the ink onto the substrate. There are pictures and texts that can leak oil. The blank area is also sealed and cannot leak ink. This completes the transfer of the graphic. Screen printing mesh substrates

 can be flat. The adaptability of substrates is also relatively wide.

The polyester printing mesh is suitable for comparing the smooth surface. Separate color for different colors. The color is relatively independent of a single LOGO or text. The printing effect is very good, and the adhesion is also good. The touches we touch in life, the swipe panel, even the mobile phone panel and the mobile phone LOGO are also Screen printed.

In addition, the manufacturer of high-quality polyester mesh maishi reminds polyester printing mesh to pay attention to ink. The right ink is perfect with a suitable polyester mesh!

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