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When printing mesh, you must select the appropriate number of meshes.

The printing mesh printing process may be quite strange to many people. Mesh mesh is a confusing and unscientific process. But the people who have used it will not be unfamiliar, it is considered the best printing. The focus is on selecting the appropriate number of meshes for printing mesh.

The grid size of a printing mesh is measured by how many lines per square inch. Suppose an 86 mesh screen has 86 threads per square inch. The higher the number of grids, the finer the holes in the screen allow for better detail and also the amount of ink that can be deposited. The size of the grid has a lot to do with the thickness of the ink used. You should also consider the level of detail of the image when selecting the number of grids.

If you are designing with high detail, the lower mesh screen will not be able to accommodate the thin lines or dots in the image, and they will not be displayed at all, resulting in a lack of detail in the final product. On the other hand, if you try to print a thicker ink (such as white) through a screen screen that is too high, almost no ink will print through the screen because the holes are too small. You may notice that the available sizes of different companies are slightly different.

Printing mesh printing requires attention to the number of meshes, and an important step before is to choose a regular manufacturer to customize. Guaranteed high quality products will have good printing results.

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